Baseball Pumps Up Steroid Penalties
It's so funny to see our Senators grab at the huevos that are baseball's cherished ant-trust provision. Whenever Washington wants something done all they ever need to do is hang the commissioner out the window by his legs and the problem is solved.
Sen. Jim Bunning and Sen. John McCain did just that last week when they threatened to impose Olympic-style suspensions of two years on baseball players caught using performance-enhancing drugs.
Instead, what the commissioner and the players' union agreed to was basically Bud Selig's plan last April. Selig is probably going to take credit for this apparent victory, but he shouldn't. He's been as slow-footed on this issue as the union has in trying to push it under the table. Lawmakers in Washington made this happen by giving baseball a choice between a very harsh penalty and a harsh penalty.
Now, on the field, it became apparent last season that many sluggers were skinnier and suddenly couldn't hit more than 20 homers, nor could they stay healthy for a season.
Under last year's system, the first-time penalty was only ten games. Now with the specter of 50 games and then 100 games hanging over those on the fence to whether they should cheat, the homerun totals may plummet to 30-year lows.We might see a homerun champion with barely 40 homers.
It's quite possible that Roger Clemens' 1.64 ERA last year may become common in 2006. In fact, we might see someone like Minnesota's Johan Santana post an ERA under one. The last time pitching so dominated the game was 1968. To rectify the inequity between hitting and pitching, the league lowered the mound to lessen the advantage.
The riding of steroids in baseball may also give a few clubs in pitcher-friendly parks a huge advantage. Teams like Oakland, San Francisco, Seattle, Detroit, Houston and the Yankees just might take advantage of their already strong staffs and parlay their home-field advantage to a playoff berth.
And, of course, how can we not speculate on Barry. We've already seen how fragile he is since his return from two knee injuries and quitting the 'roids cold turkey. He may turn out to be one hell of an expensive pinch hitter by June.
It's so funny to see our Senators grab at the huevos that are baseball's cherished ant-trust provision. Whenever Washington wants something done all they ever need to do is hang the commissioner out the window by his legs and the problem is solved.
Sen. Jim Bunning and Sen. John McCain did just that last week when they threatened to impose Olympic-style suspensions of two years on baseball players caught using performance-enhancing drugs.
Instead, what the commissioner and the players' union agreed to was basically Bud Selig's plan last April. Selig is probably going to take credit for this apparent victory, but he shouldn't. He's been as slow-footed on this issue as the union has in trying to push it under the table. Lawmakers in Washington made this happen by giving baseball a choice between a very harsh penalty and a harsh penalty.
Now, on the field, it became apparent last season that many sluggers were skinnier and suddenly couldn't hit more than 20 homers, nor could they stay healthy for a season.
Under last year's system, the first-time penalty was only ten games. Now with the specter of 50 games and then 100 games hanging over those on the fence to whether they should cheat, the homerun totals may plummet to 30-year lows.We might see a homerun champion with barely 40 homers.
It's quite possible that Roger Clemens' 1.64 ERA last year may become common in 2006. In fact, we might see someone like Minnesota's Johan Santana post an ERA under one. The last time pitching so dominated the game was 1968. To rectify the inequity between hitting and pitching, the league lowered the mound to lessen the advantage.
The riding of steroids in baseball may also give a few clubs in pitcher-friendly parks a huge advantage. Teams like Oakland, San Francisco, Seattle, Detroit, Houston and the Yankees just might take advantage of their already strong staffs and parlay their home-field advantage to a playoff berth.
And, of course, how can we not speculate on Barry. We've already seen how fragile he is since his return from two knee injuries and quitting the 'roids cold turkey. He may turn out to be one hell of an expensive pinch hitter by June.
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005 1:19:00 AM