Giant Problem: Get Rid Of Bonds Before He Signs Contract

Caveat emptor, or, let the buyer beware; is definitely a bit of Latin the San Francisco Giants' brass should have learned. As they resumed adding the fine print to Barry Bonds's shiny and completely undeserving $16 million dollar contract, the specter of his pass indiscretion again pop up.
According to the New York Post today, Bonds failed a drug test for amphetamines last year and promptly blamed the team's clubhouse favorite, outfielder Mark Sweeney.
This has to be a stark reminder and warning to Owner Peter Magowan that any further dealings with the steroid slugger is fraught with embarrassment for the franchise. Quick, drop the contract in the shredder and nobody gets hurt!
The Giants' insistence of ignorance over Bonds' 2006 drug test is likely to be true. According to the New York Times, the collective bargaining agreement states that individual clubs are left in the dark when a player fails an initial drug test for "greenies", or amphetamines that have populated Major League clubhouses since the 1960s when former Yankee Jim Bouton detailed them in his book, "Ball Four".
Other than being a veracious cheater, drug user and total curmudgeon, if Bonds failed to be forthcoming with the Giants during negotiations for his one-year contract, his actions would be completely in bad faith and cause for the Giants to rip up the contract.
At that point, Hank Aaron's home run record would be safe. Nobody would dare sign Bonds with the steroid scandal hanging over him and the perception of another form of drug abuse linked to him.
It should have been ominous week for Bonds and Giants when the equally tarnished Mark McGwire fell well short of induction into the Hall of Fame despite his 583 homers. Having #25 in leftfield is not a good idea for the Giants or baseball. It's not too late to back off.
Labels: Barry Bonds, Hank Aaron, San Francisco Giants, Steroids