I like the Red Sox In Seven

I like the fact that Colorado's Kaz Matsui has found some redemption in these playoffs. Isn't this the same guy who was trashed in New York for not being the other Matsui in the Big Apple? He was faulted for not hitting enough with the Mets and his range at second was suspect. I don't think the Phillies think he isn't clutch.
I like Josh Beckett (who doesn't?). Take a look at the 1988 World Series when the Dodgers upset the A's. That was the year of Orel Hershider 59 straight shutout innings. Hershiser won two games against the series, including the clincher, but his presence seemed to spook the A's in the other three games and allowed bit players like Mickey Hatcher to beat them.
I like the home teams in this series. As an A's fan, I know that Fenway Park can be a very intimidating setting. Things go horribly wrong at times and the rabid Red Sox Nation will let you know about it. Coors Field reveals disadvantages in the Red Sox defense at left and first. There's a lot of acreage out there for Manny Ramirez to flub a flyball and, because of the DH, David Ortiz will play first until it becomes necessity to put Kevin Youkilis back there. The necessity being the Sox trailing three games to two.
I like Matt Holliday being one of the guys who could get the Rockies off to a good start in Game 1. He's 6-for-14 against Beckett, including 2-for-3 with a homer this year. The best player should be the guy to lead and he's quietly hit four homers in this year's postseason.
I like the Rockies showing no ill-effects from their nine day layoff. They're are white-hot right now, but haven't really stolen a win, except for the one-game playoff. Colorado has played consistent baseball throughout the past month. You don't forget how to play excellent baseball in over a week.
I like Boston getting into the Colorado bullpen. The Rockies should not what befell Rafael Betancourt in Game 7 of the ALCS. He, like the red-hot Rockies bullpen, was untouchable until he allowed the clincher to get out of hand.
I like that Red Sox are becoming the new Yankees. They were always the Yankees. They played up the underdog storyline despite spending just about as much as the "evil empire".
I like the Red Sox winning their second World Series in four years only because they play four games at Fenway.
I like Jonathan Papelbon saving four games and winning the MVP.
Labels: Red Sox, Rockies, World Series